All photographs are taken by Eolake on January 20, 2000, with a Nikon Coolpix 600.

This is the kitchen of my current apartment.

And here is my living room and working space. There is a small bedroom I could have converted to a study, but I haven't done that so far.

A funny little lunch shop. This is taken around noon. |

Believe it or not, this structure on Princess Street (by the castle) is taller than any Danish church I have seen, and yet it is not even a building, it is a monument! For some guy named James Scott, as I recall. (Must have been some kind of guy.)
Princess Street has modern shops on one side, and a big open space to the other, accross which is the Castle, and a few things like this monument. |

South Bridge. Four busses in a row. And on the other side of the narrow street six others have just passed. Somehow I liked that. |

A very typical street scene from West End, with a very typical bus and taxi. While in Denmark the taxis are always Mercedes for some reason, here a taxi is a special kind of car. I find them... funny. Interesting. Something. Also the busses and taxis in Copenhagen are all from the nineties, but here they all seem to be from the seventies at latest. |

Edinburgh Castle. It is more impressive than such a small image can convey. Especially since it is build so high. I can't imagine how many millions of man-hours it must have taken to build that thing. But then, until the airplane was invented, nothing could touch it! |

The street where I live is not really pretty, but in the right light...:) |

Many houses downtown have these dug-outs in front. To me they look a bit... I don't know, forbidding. Or slummy. |

George Street, parallel to Princess Street (which is the stable point you can orient yourself from in Edinburgh). |

The Castle again. I haven't been photographing for years, but it seems it is like riding a bike:) |

On the open side of Princess Street, here is one of the older citizens. He reminded me a bit about Edinburgh itself: Very old, and not all in good condition, but very nice and of good spirits. And not always easy to understand:) (What with speaking Scottish and not having a single tooth in his mouth.)