A personal
...experience with Scientology.
Hi. My name is Frants. I have been on the Internet since January 1997, and I love it. The Web is the perfect medium (or is becoming so, as it gets faster and more global). We can all put up our personal stuff and views on whatever we want. So I have decided to do just that regarding my religion of choice, Scientology.
I first met Scientology in 1981. I was 19. I was walking on the street in Copenhagen, when someone "dragged" me into a little shop, I should do a "personality test". At that time in my life, I was extremely shy, so I welcomed that someone contacted me, instead of the other way around.
But when I found out that the test consisted of 200 questions, I lost interest. Then they wanted to sell me a book, Dianetics, and in order to get out of there, I bought it. I started reading it on the train home, and frankly, I got very interested within a few chapters.
It is a big book, but I read it in a week, and got very, very interested. This seemed like the salvation for the world.
I wanted to go to a seminar, but my family got extremely discouraging, when they heard it was Scientology. This puzzled me a lot. I couldn't fit the sanity and the goodness I found in Dianetics with the fear I found surrounding the subject. So I went to the library and requested any books they could get from and about Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. I read a few books and got wiser and more interested, and finally one book tipped the scales, "The Hidden Story of Scientology", by journalist Omar W. Garrison. It told the background of violent attacks that has been launched against L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology from big-money establisments like the press, psychiatry, and secret services. For the first time, that part made sense.
Reassured, I started my first course.
But already reading the first book changed my life. I suddenly understood a lot of things about Homo Sapiens that before had been total mysteries. I was more certain of myself and my purposes, and I saw a lot of things much clearer.
The thing is, not only are Dianetics and Scientology great philosophy, and I love talking about and reading about philosophy. They also have technology that works. (That thing called "auditing".)
It actually frees up your personal energy. It actually makes you more alive. It actually makes you operate as the immortal being that you basically are. It is a road towards total freedom.
I am an artist. And now I am many times the artist I was before, and I live a much happier and more certain and active life. (This is such a cliché these days, but I don't know how better to express it.) I know scores of people who have the same experience with whatever is their personal game in life.
I am open to whatever questions you may have for me. I prefer subjective questions. The objective ones, and definitions, are much better handled by the official Scientology page.
Again, I don't work for anyone, and I don't register anybody, you can safely write me, I love getting e-mail.
Sincerely yours, Frants
Books recommended for basic understanding
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
This was the first book I read. It is a rather thick book, but I swallowed it in a week, and I quickly realized that here was something going on that was very, very important. Please note that this book is not about the religion of Scientology, but about the science of Dianetics.
If you want to buy the book, click here.
What Is Scientology?
This is a huge omnibus volume giving the most all-round introduction possible to a subject that is so huge that a round-up is basically impossible.
If you want to buy the book, click here.
My favorite text by Ron; the Code of Honor
Information link: www.scientology.org
The Communication Course is an apparently simple little course (with a bigger counterpart for pros and advanced students), which teaches the basics of communication, and trains it with drills. It undercuts right to bedrock with a drill designed to make the student be able to simply BE there, comfortably, in front of another person, and continues up through confronting another, getting your communication over to him, acknowledging his communication, getting your communication answered, and handling when the other part strays from the subject. It is a brilliant series of drills, which were developed to make the professional auditor perform his duties better, but are actually extremely therapeutic in themselves.
An Auditor is a minister or a "therapist" of Scientology. The word comes from "to listen", and that is the basic of what an auditor does. But he listens to answers to an extremely precisely applied set of questions which make up the road called the Bridge.
The Bridge is the road to "salvation" for scientologists. It is a road of spiritual technology, which gradually takes one from a normal human being, through greater personal levels of freedom and power, towards the theoretical ultimate of a totally free spirit.
Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, is "Book One", the start of the whole thing. Dianetics is a seperate subject from Scientology, but often practiced by the same people. It is not a religion, but a science which explains the human mind, what went wrong with it, and how to better it.
Auditing is the name for the counseling procedure of both Dianetics and Scientology. It derives from "to listen".