Fine art for the discerning customer

Favorite places

Are you an artist? Having problems with it at all? Look at WhatMeArtist free course for creators.

For creative computer users: MacCreator.

You mean this is not science fiction? Microship

Big David Bowie fan page.

Decent resource on van Gogh.

Macintosh and computer news and opinions: MacObserver.

ACLU free speech.

Japanese Engrish.

National Coalition Against Censorship

For those interested in how comics (or art in general) works, we warmly recommend Scott McCloud, the author of Understanding Comics.

A Course In Miracles PDF file 5.4MB
same PDF zipped 2.6MB

Doonesbury, the best and funniest intellectual cartoon in the world.

Charley Brown and friends: Peanuts. Still unequalled.

My own book recommendations: The Stobblehouse Bookshop.

Feminists against Censorship.

Damn funny writer: Dave Barry.

David Pogue, the best and funniest writer I know for learning to use computers.

U.S. Bill of Rights

Article on free speech: Net under siege.

Funny signs in "English"

The comic book legal defense fund. Defense for sellers or creators of comics, who have been struck by unfair censorship.

Macintosh-centric tech news of the finest kind: TidBITS and MacJournals.

Extraordinary site with landscape photographs, and wonderful camera reviews. Luminous Landscape.

"...long after people with Middle Eastern names and faces have been forgotten as threats to the American Way, the wiretapping, information sharing, and search and seizure provisions of The USA Act of 2001 will still be around..." David Steinberg

Develop your mind: Dianetics

Excellent article on the evil side of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Electronic Frontier Foundation fighting for free communication

Tim O'Reilly on file sharing and opportunities

For beginning authors of SF or fantasy, we refer to this excellent contest

Cartoon on peace, made by Stobblehouse.



made with a Mac