Various Science Fiction and Fantasy titles.
Good Omens
By Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
This is a unique book. It is one of the extremely few books I have read three times.
It is warm, it is funny. It is intense. It has more good ideas per chapter than most books have in their entirety.
On you can read a synopsis of the story and other glowing recommendations. Here I will only say that even though I generally like SF better than fantasy, this one really does it to me, and it is not a book you want to miss.
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Holy Fire
By Bruce Sterling
Holy Fire is a brilliant book by a very special author.
It has one big drawback: It has very little suspence. If suspence and action is all you go for, don't buy this one.
Then, everything else is excellent. I would say that this book is very much for the advanced (SF) reader. It presupposes that you are used to the playing around with ideas and futures that is happening in the best Science Fiction.
It is a very warm book. It is really ABOUT something. And still it is technically extremely strong.
Also, it is one of the very few books that you might imagine could describe an accurate future, something that is fantastically difficult to do without being boring or academical.
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The Diamond Age
By Neil Stephenson
This is easy. Although it is very much its own book, everything I said about Holy Fire above is equally true about The Diamond Age.
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Hard Drive
By David Pogue
David Pogue is best know for one of our very best non-fiction authors in the personal computer field, specializing on the Macintosh computer.
In his novel Hard Drive, he combines his keen understanding of computers and of human beings with his excellent ability to write entertainingly, and the result is not quite like any other book I have read.
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