These are pictures from a morning just before Christmas 2003, in the small town I grew up. I thought I would make a small documentary for my Net friends, and hopefully some nice images as well. - Eolake

karrebaeksminde1 karrebaeksminde2 On the left, the excellent view from my sister's new house. Although admittedly it looks more inviting in the summer, like most things on this page.
karrebaeksminde16 The church is prominent. The mill behind it has not been used for many decades. On the right, where my grandmother lived. And later my dad, and later my sister. She still owns it. The flat building on the left was my dad's paint store. karrebaeksminde25
The excellent beach. It is more pleasant in the summer, but less picturesque. karrebaeksminde38 karrebaeksminde39
karrebaeksminde4 On the left is my childhood home. Later owners have changed it a lot though. The odd grey bushes in front used to be big beautiful thorny trees.
The canal and the bridge, right next to my grandmother's home were stable data in my childhood. They feel good in your space. karrebaeksminde23 karrebaeksminde24 karrebaeksminde26
Below: I love that bridge. I have sometimes had dreams about it in my adult life. The small canal will take amazingly large ships. Some of them feel like they almost touch the sides. The big yellow building was a cocoa factory, of all things. The canal leads into the fjord, at the bottom of which is Næstved, a larger town. The bakery is one of the few things that are still in the same place, though it is bigger and nicer now.
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karrebaeksminde12 karrebaeksminde9 Left: this little habor was two minutes' walk from my home.
There were nice skies this morniing. karrebaeksminde19 karrebaeksminde22 karrebaeksminde21
