The great battle of the early third millennium

Earth and mankind has long been the stage of a battle between "Good" and "Evil", the Black Hats and the White Hats. Basically, forces and people who want people to be free, and forces and people who want people to be slaves.

It will not have escaped your notice that this battle has been intensifying. The twentieth century brought some of the greatest boons to mankind, and also some pretty horrific terrors. And towards the end of it, things accelerated even more.

There is a perception with many people that it is all coming to an climax now in the next few years, early in the third millennium. The arts, philosophies, sciences and religions will see expansion like never before.

The downside is that the Black Hats are cornered, and like cornered rats, they bite. We are now seeing very frightening outbreaks of violence, particularly random violence, which is perhaps the most scary of all.

Now, look at this: all these bombings and shootings are killing far fewer people than are killed normally by traffic and whatnot. So the question is, what are the Black Hats getting out of it?

Answer: fear. Not only do they love fear itself, but more importantly, if the peoples of the world are sufficiently frightened, they will do anything to lessen that fear.

They will even give up their freedom.

They will allow governments and other institutions to control and monitor their lives, and they will accept intrusions in personal freedom and liberty that they would not normally even consider.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened. They don't have the power to kill us all. They don't have the power to kill half of us, or even ten percent.

But they do have the power to take away our freedom, if we give it to them! And it is the only thing they want. Don't give it over. It will all be over in a few years, and we will have a new world. If we all keep our heads cool.


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"Knowledge is the food of the spirit, and beauty is the drink." - Eolake Stobblehousee.