Fine art for the discerning customer

This is the home page for the various aspects of the work of Danish artist, photographer, and writer Eolake Stobblehouse. (Biography)


Who is Eolake Stobblehouse
Big article

"... your web sites and the sentiment that they express are simply inspiring. It seems to me that yours is a voice of pure joy and fascination at the wonderful ability to create and to enjoy art and the aesthetic experience. Your photos and art site has renewed my faith in the powers of art to transcend the cynical world that seems to be forever circling around us like a horde of marauding savages." - Daniel


Other sites of same author:

(how does creativity work)

(for creative computer users)

(nude art)

"...Eolake Stobblehouse, ...must be one of the most diligent creators on the web. A Google search for 'stobblehouse' returned 458 results, but even this belies the size and popularity of his output." -

"...renaissance man Eolake Stobblehouse, who is variously a professional painter and photographer, Mac evangelist, webmaster and essayist at the MacCreator Website, and who also runs an online fine art instruction course on his Website." - Charles Moore

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